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桑迪袭击美国,劫匪乘乱炫耀战利品。  发帖心情 Post By:2012-11-02 11:25:06





Several brazen thugs have robbed their neighbors and their local shops of everything from basic food stuffs to expensive electronics and they are taking to Twitter to broadcast their spoils.'Check out this laptop I scored,' SevenleafB tweeted earlier today. 'It's easy just reach out an grab it.' It appears the looters are organizing through the hashtag #SANDYLOOTCREW.Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz has called on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to put a stop to the looting ravaging South Brooklyn.

一群厚颜无耻的暴徒洗劫了邻居和当地的商店。小到基本的生活物资,大到昂贵的电子产品都不放过,抢完后居然还到推特上炫耀他们的“战利品”。“看看我抢到的笔记本电脑,”@SevenleafB今天在推特上说,“顺手牵羊得到的,简直不费吹灰之力。”这些劫匪都在推文中统一打上了“#SANDYLOOTCREW”的标签。布鲁克林区长马丁·马科维茨(Marty Markowitz)呼吁纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)制止这些劫匪抢劫布鲁克林南部。

Looting for clothes: Tevon D'sean Jackson proudly announced on the social network that his mother had stolen him a new shirt

Tevon D'sean Jackson骄傲地在社交网络上宣称他妈妈为他抢了新衬衣。推文:昨晚我妈妈甚至出去为我抢了新的衬衣。爱你哟妈妈。

Catnapper: One person using the alias SevenleafB bragged about stealing a cat from a house during a looting-tour of New York


Found': Many looters have targeted stores with electronic goods, with one proud thief pocketing several brand new iPhone 5s and posting a picture on Twitter

“发现”:许多劫匪瞄准卖电子产品的商店,一名得意的劫匪抢了几台iPhone 5s,在推特上张贴照片。

Police have so far arrested nearly a dozen people for the crime, but Mr Markowitz said that the FDNY, police, and other first responders are overwhelmed in the borough and desperately need relief.Mayor Michael Bloomberg, however, has stated that the only people he wants on the streets are New York's finest.


'Governor Cuomo also acted quickly by activating the National Guard prior to the storm, and I urge him to allocate as many troops as possible to Brooklyn—troops from New York or any other states that can spare them,' Mr Markowitz said in a statement.Neighborhoods like Brighton Beach and Coney Island are still powerless, literally, and suffering form a lack of basic services, causing residents to fear the worst and either stay inside their ravaged homes or risk the streets.




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